E-Rate & Healthcare

We are the Experts!  LightStream management has decades of combined experience working with USAC’s Schools and Libraries Division (E-Rate) and Healthcare Connect Fund (HCF).  We know the ins and outs of the programs and how to maximize your capabilities while minimizing the costs to your Entity.  Our experience has provided our customers with the fastest and most controllable networks all fully compliant with USAC rules and regulations.  Let us be your resource in helping you obtain the best set of services you can get!


Did you know?

The State Educational Technology Directors Association advises the E-Rate program on acceptable telecom standards for education AND currently advises the following:

A minimum 10G Wide Area Network and the following standards for Internet Access:

  • 4.3 Mbps per user (students & staff) for Districts smaller than 1,000 users

  • 3 Mbps per user for Districts between 1,000 and 10,000 users

  • 2 Mbps per user for Districts greater than 10,000 users